Saturday, June 28, 2008

Chanel Fw08 Ads

I've seen two of the new Chanel ads fullsize, and I have to say I kind of like it. It's not absolutely stunning, but it's a different direction than the shiny high-polish feeling I get from their older ads. What I like about these new imagines is that they're kind of gritty and pretty in that not-quite-so-perfect way. The images aren't so squeaky-clean and glossy, they're a little grainy and hazy-looking, which I love. It's a different aesthetic, but I've always been drawn to that style of fashion photography. And I like how they took the lace motif and really ran with it. Smart of them, since lace is going to be big for fall. And I loved those gloves (are they gloves?) and tights on the runway. And the short hair. Kind of makes me want to cut even more of my hair off.
image: source

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