Monday, February 11, 2008

Diane von Furstenberg FW08

Sorry, I'm not really moving in any coherent order with these reviews. In any case, Diane von Furstenberg's show was a 40's inspired trip through Berlin, Shanghai, and Manhattan. I liked a lot of the pieces, especially the separates. I thought there was kind of a lot going on in the collection. The colors were nice but there were so many that it seemed a little disjointed. There seemed to be so many different prints, colors, influences, shapes, and ideas that it got a bit overwhelming. How did the collection manage to fit dainty, blue florals next to bold geometric prints? What was with the random flapper dress? I liked the mixing of prints in some of the outfits, though. And the variety of pieces means there are lots of ways to mix and match. In the end, Diane von Furstenberg pretty much does what she pleases.

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