Monday, May 19, 2008

It's Monday!!

*edit: Yo, guys. Can anyone explain to me why everyone who visits my blog enters on this page? Is there some search that this pops up under? Why is everyone so obsessed with this picture of Leighton Meester? Any ideas?Do you know why Leighton Meester is so excited? It's Monday, and you know what that means...GOSSIP GIRL SEASON FINALE! GAH! Ok, so I just thought this picture was hilarious.

image: source


Anonymous said...

i noticed when i searched 'gossip girl' on google images, this pic came up on one of the pages. and as i was going back i noticed what you wrote and was just answering your question. haha. that might be why people seem to visit this so much.

Anonymous said...

the name of your blog is horrible !

Laurenn said...

Thanks! ;) I take it that you do not listen to indie music, which is why you don't get the reference, and you didn't read my explanation on the right side of the page. The name is ironic, I truly believe in comfort.

Anonymous said...

we google Leighton Meeter and this pic poped up, we see "do u know why..." and we want to know what is exactly in"..."
and... frankly, i saw this pic and i am wondering why B's belly is so...does it look like she is pregnant..?
so so so , wind blew her dress thats all aha:)

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